A Trusted Legal Resource For Those Facing DUI Charges
Drunk driving is among the most common crimes in the United States. This is due, in part, to the fact that a driver can be over the legal blood alcohol limit and not realize it. But for as common as this crime is, it is also treated very seriously in the criminal justice system and in the “court” of public opinion. In addition to fines, fees and jail time, a DUI conviction on your record could cost you your job in some cases and cause significant public embarrassment.
If you’ve been accused of drunk driving, Burt Harriman, Attorney at Law, LLC, will fight to defend your rights, your freedom and your reputation. With over 17 years of legal experience and extensive knowledge about Missouri DUI laws and procedures, I am ready to help you seek the best available resolution of your charges.
The Consequences Of A DUI Conviction
As with other offenses, the consequences you face if convicted of DUI depend on the circumstances and evidence. Important considerations include blood alcohol content, previous convictions, whether you were involved in an accident and whether you complied with the requirement to submit to chemical testing.
Conviction is likely to result in expensive fines and fees and perhaps some jail time. The most significant consequence for many people, however, is the suspension of their driver’s license. Your license can be suspended, even for a first conviction. A second conviction could result in a suspension of up to a year. This, of course, makes it far harder to travel to and from work or school and to transport your children around.
While I (or any attorney) cannot promise to help you avoid conviction altogether, I will work tirelessly to mitigate the consequences you face, particularly related to your family and work obligations.
Drunk Driving Charges Without Driving? It Can Happen.
It seems obvious that a DUI charge would require some amount of driving. But under Missouri law, you can be prosecuted for a DUI even if the vehicle wasn’t physically moving. For example, if the engine was running on the side of the road and you were asleep in the driver’s seat, you could still be charged with a DUI. In fact, it’s not uncommon for individuals in Missouri to be arrested in situations like this one. Oftentimes, they turn the heat or cooling on because of the weather but they can be arrested even if they don’t drive the vehicle.
Because these cases are ambiguous, it is especially important to work with a good attorney who understands how to refute what is essentially an officer’s judgment call.
Have Questions? Contact My Firm For Answers.
With an office in Lexington, Burt Harriman, Attorney at Law, LLC, serves clients throughout the Missouri side of the Kansas City metro area. To get your questions answered in a free initial consultation, send me an email or call 660-675-4344.